It's a chilly, but sunny Saturday morning/afternoon here on the SW coast of Washington State--not to be confused with our nation's capitol, Washington DC which is 3,000 miles away, although I understand it's cold there, too.
I made a cute little amiguruimi bird from Kristie's free pattern(; she shows hers in yellow, but I used blue, as my blue yarn was right close. I think he/she is about as cute as she/he can be, and so tiny, too. Mine is baby-friendly, as I embroidered all the features so there is nothing to come off. I'd better make a couple for my little granddaughters. Red ones would be very cute as Christmas tree ornaments. He/she is very quick to make, too. Zoom, zoom and you're done. I love these little amigurumis--they'd make nice "computer pets" for grown-ups and teenagers, too. Gotta make a whole flock!!