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Saturday, September 25, 2010

Largest Screamer I Have Ever Made.....

.....is in progress. He is very large; this time I used a styrofoam ball about as big as a round watermelon for his head. Screamer 1 has a gourd for a head and Screamer 2 (ie: Screamer's Cute Baby) has a hollow plastic ball (about the size of baseball) for a head (the ball was covered with PaperClay and cloth, after the hole for the mouth was cut out). Both of the first 2 Screamers have the plastic eyes that are used in porcelain dolls; this one has one of those clear plastic Christmas ornaments for eyes--the kind that pop apart--half for each eyeball. I painted them on the inside. That's fabric from an old cotton knit jacket I had for his skin, and PaperClay for his lips and parts of his nose; the center of his nose is styrofoam covered with cotton knit from an old garment.