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Friday, December 25, 2009

Done with World Wide Christmas 09 Toy Drop...........

...........but not with this year's toy drops, of course. There is another six days of 2009, so I'll do at least one more, before the curtain drops on this year, 2009. The "aught decade" is leaving us, friends, and the teens are coming--well, the PREteens, I guess---have to have three years of preteens before we reach the teens. I hope the preteens are better than our last three aughts!! Can we just toss those last three aughts away??!! No, guess not: people have been born (our Ellie), married, graduated, etc. these last three years, so we HAVE to keep them, even though they have been very unkind to us (the years have, that is, NOT the people!).
I am having to postpone celebrating my mom's 93 birthday with her next Wednesday, as DH is having a medical procedure on Tuesday, and Grace, our doxie, is having surgery on Monday. Not a good week for us to leave town! I'm hoping we can go see Mom the following week, and that I can do a few toy drops at her senior apartment building--I will get Mom to help me--I think she'll enjoy that.
It is cold here in the NW this Christmas Day; cold enough that any wind at all makes it pretty uncomfortable outside. I'm sure it is a lot colder where lots of folks are and many have snow to deal with, too, which we don't. So I'm not REALLY complaining, just "whining a little." That's a family joke: when my husband got off the bus after his first day of kindergarten, his mother asked him if he'd cried. "No, but I whined a little," he replied. He was only four and had ridden the bus to school all by himself, because his mom had no car and a toddler, and new baby to take care of.

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